Daily Archives: 18th of December 2013

PHP.ug updated

Hi everyone.

Today I finally managed to update some of the features on PHP.ug I’ve had in mind for a long time already.

Now it’s possible to promote a new usergroup and to edit your own usergroup. To minimize spam and to know which of those some-hundred usergroups is your one you have to log in. Currently login is possible with your Twitter-Account (more might come) and then you are able to edit all the groups your twitter-account is associated with. That way php.ug does not need to maintain a user-base (and you do not need to remember another login) and you can pass on authority to the next usergroup-leader by passing on the usergroups-twitter account.

You can provide a simple iCalendar-File in your webspace and link to that from php.ug. That way everyone interested can integrate YOUR calendar into their Calendaring-Application and as soon as you change your calendar those are updated to everyone else. No need to maintain your event-date (and possible updates to that) on another page. In times to come we might even evaluate those calendaring-informations to an “All-Usergroups-Event-Calendar”.

And yes, I know that adding the geolocation currently is far from easy to handle. I’m working on that. Until a better solution you will need to provide Latitude-Longitude Informations. But with a recent update to google-maps you can right-click onto the location GoogleMaps, select “What’s here” and copy the string from the search-field. Paste that into the Location field and be happy.

If you find issues or have new ideas for php.ug feel free to tell us about it

Thanks to all support php.ug got during the last year! I appreciate that a lot.